
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Players race from the start to the mannequins set up on the opposite side. The Feeder plays a 50-50 ball onto the field as the players are running, and the players try to win the ball and finish after running thru the mannequins. As the drill progresses, the players can be sent around mannequin 1 before running thru the mannequins on the opposite side.

Coaching Points:

1.  Decide early if you can win the ball or not.

2.  Contain the play when defending, rather than sticking a foot in.

3.  Turn on a defender that is overly aggressive.


1.  The drill progresses to a 2v2, and the teams try to win the ball and finish.

Players Required: 