
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

  • Play 5v5 on a 40 x 20 yd. field. Divide field in half and play 2v2 in each half. All normal soccer rules apply.

  • Encourage defending team to try and win the ball in the opponent’s half of the field. If they win the ball in opponent’s half and score a goal, the goal is worth three points instead of one.

  • If the ball is advanced into the attacking half and a goal is scored, the goal is worth one.

Coaching Points:

  • Encourage players to pressure the ball early to force errors from the other team.

  • Players who aren’t immediately pressuring the ball need to move up the field and compact the space behind the pressuring defender.

  • Getting the attacker’s head down is the main priority of 1v1 defending. Make sure that players don’t stab their foot into challenges. When the attacker makes a mistake, then step in to try and win the ball.

  • Communicate!

Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
Players Required: