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  • Active context: master

Turning - U8 Practice Plan

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Practice session that focuses on turning fundamentals and exercises.

Spreading Out & Movement Off Ball - U8 Practice Plan

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A practice session that works on movement away from the ball.

1 vs. 1 Dribbling - U8 Practice Plan

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A practice session that focuses on using 1 vs. 1 dribbling.

Finishing - U8 Practice Plan

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Activities that focus on shooting for accuracy and finishing.

Passing Fundamentals - U8 Practice Plan

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Passing activities that discuss foot placement, body position and playing the ball to space.

Attacking Principles - U8 Practice Plan

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Teach attacking principles by creating depth and width, mobility and quick shooting.

U8 Practice Session - Finishing and Shooting

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When to shoot, placement vs. power, parts of the foot to use.

U8 Practice Session - Focus on Passing

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The focus is on the proper fundamentals and technique for passing the ball.

U8 Practice Plan - Pressuring Defender

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Work on how and when players should attack as defenders.

U8 Practice - Dribbling to Beat an Opponent

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Small sided games and drills that work on deception with dribbling and ball control.

U8 Soccer Practice Plan - Emphasis on FUN

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Games that require ball skills and creativity.

U8 Practice - Ball Control & Competition

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Dribbling, ball control and 1 on 1 competition.

U8 Soccer Practice Plan

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Fun warm up, ball control drills, and end with a game.