
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are 8-12 players set up in the attacking third, starting at the cones. To begin play, Player 1 walls passes with Player 2. Player 2 then turns to goal, and Player 1 looks across the field for Player 3. Player 3 makes a horizontal run across the field, receives the thru pass from Player 1, and one touches the ball off for Player 2, running to goal. After Player 2 finishes, the drill re-starts on the opposite side of the field with Player 4. The players rotate counter-clockwise during the course of the drill.

Coaching Points:

1.  Player 3 and Player 2 must hold their runs until the play develops.

2.  Both passes in the wall pass combination should be played directly to the feet.

3.  With a defender on your back, lay the ball off and spin into the space behind him.


1.  Add a defender and call offsides.        

Players Required: