
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are 9-12 players set up inside the grid, starting at the cones. To begin the drill, Player 1 passes to Player 2 and makes an overlap run around him. The pass should lead Player 2 into the center of the field.  Player 2 then lays the ball off to Player 3 and makes the same kind of overlapping run. The three players continue to pass and overlap until they reach the other end of the grid, and then they reverse direction. Groups of players will have to communicate and avoid contact with each other during the course of the drill as it continues to run in both directions.

Coaching Points:

1.  Cut in on the heels of the player you are overlapping. Don’t run out too wide.

2.  Accelerate into the center just before the pass is struck. Run onto the ball at top speed.

3.  Take a look at the overlapping player before making your pass.


1.  Limit the players to one touch.

Players Required: 