
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up: 

There are 12-14 players set up in the attacking third, with a 1v1 inside of the penalty area, and lines starting at the cones. The Feeder begins play with a long pass into the corner, releasing the two flank players from the cones. The attacker controls the pass and looks to beat the defender with a cross or a dribbling run into the penalty area. If the defenders win the ball, they can score in the two small goals placed just outside of the penalty area. Upon completion, the Feeder re-starts play with a pass out to the opposite corner. New players rotate into the penalty area every five minutes.

Coaching Points:

1.   Use feinting and dribbling moves to create enough space to turn out of the corner.

2.   Use changes of speed and direction with the dribble to create enough room to cross.

3.   Start the finishing run when the dribbler has taken his last touch before crossing.


1.   Start with a 2v2 inside of the penalty area. 

Players Required: 