
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Two shooters are set up in the attacking third of the field, along with two goalkeepers. The goalkeeper begins the drill by coming off of the near post and out towards the 1st shooter. The 1st shooter hits the goalkeeper in the hands from close in, and then the 2nd shooter drives a ball on the ground between the six-yard box and the penalty spot. The goalkeeper must recover back towards the center and then cut out the second ball. The speed of the drill can be increased to make the second save more difficult.   

Coaching Points:

1.  Come to a set position before the ball is struck, regardless of where you are.

2.  Use small, quick steps to get across the penalty area, and run towards the ball.

3.  Choose to catch or punch as early as possible. Parry hard shots from in close.


1.  The goalkeeper must dive on the first ball.

Players Required: