
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:  

There are two pairs of players set up inside of the grid, playing head balls only. Player 1 tosses the ball over the head of Player 4 to Player 2. Player 2 heads it back to Player 1. Players 2 and 4 then turn around to face Player 3. Player 3 tosses over the head of Player 2, and receives the return header from Player 4. The ‘defending’ player should go up for the ball in order to provide passive defense.  After one minute, the players change places.

Coaching Points:

1.  Direct the ball up at an angle as opposed to heading the ball downward.  

2.  Keep your stance active, with one foot forward and one foot back.

3.  Bend at the waist and step into the header in order to generate power on the long ball.  


1.  The defensive player tries to win the ball and flick it over to his teammate.

Players Required: