
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are 12-16 players set up in the attacking third of the field, starting at the cones. Player 1 makes a run to the 18, and receives a pass from Player 2. Player 1 then turns around the outside cone and dribbles towards the end line. Player 2 makes a delayed run to goal and receives a cross or a setback pass from Player 1 for a finish on goal. Play alternates between the two sides of the field during the drill, and the players rotate to all four lines.   

Coaching Points:

1.  Hold the finishing run until the play develops. Arrive late as opposed to arriving early. 

2.  Any run towards the end line is the visual cue for a setback pass or a cross.

3.  Hit a first time shot if you can, use two touches if you have to. 


1.  Add a defender inside the six-yard box.

Players Required: 