
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up: 

There are five players set up inside of the grid, working back and forth across the field. To begin play, Player 2 pressures Player 1. Player 1 passes to Player 5 as Player 2 chases the ball. Player 5 passes right back to Player 1 and he finishes the combination by touching the ball into the space behind Player 2. Player 1 then passes the ball up to Player 3 and pressures him as Players 4 and 5 RUN over to support Player 3. The drill continues with Players 1, 2, and 3 shuttling back and forth in the center while Players 4 and 5 make the supporting runs on the outside. During the drill, the players switch positions every two minutes.

Coaching Points:

1.   If the defender chases the ball, the double pass is on.

2.   After receiving the second pass, beat the defender into the space with the dribble.

3.   Support players maintain their distance so that the defender has to cover more ground.


1.   The 1st attacker has the option to wall pass with a support player if the defender charges in.

Players Required: