
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are 8-10 players set up inside of the small grid, starting at the cones. To begin play, Player 1 combines on a double pass combination with Player 2, playing the ball straight thru the cone barrier. Player 2 then runs thru the barrier (to either side) to receive the back pass from Player 1. Player 2 returns the ball to the 1 line, and the drill continues from there.  All of the players alternate between the two lines during the drill.  

Coaching Points:

1.  Put the proper weight on the back pass. The receiver is sprinting onto it.  

2.  Strike the top half of the ball when making a one touch pass to keep it on the ground.

3.  Talk early, show yourself for the back pass.  


1.  Progress to back pass drills in the penalty area.

Players Required: 