
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

  • Ten players are set up in a 15 x 20 yard grid. The coach will select two players to be the Angry Birds with a ball.
  • The rest of the players are Piggies and do not have a ball.
  • The Angry Birds try to tag the Piggies by passing their ball to hit the Piggies below the knee.
  • If a Piggy gets tagged they get a ball and join the Angry Birds.
  • If a Piggy leaves the grid to escape an Angry Bird, they become an Angry Bird.
  • Play until there are two players left as Piggies. They are the winners of the game, and become the Angry Birds for the next round.

Coaching Points:

  • Show players how to use the inside of their foot to strike the ball.
  • Stress the timing of pass. Can you pass to where the player is going, not where they were?
  • Use peripheral vision while dribbling to see where you want to go next.
  • Can the players dribble the ball to better set up their next pass?
Players Required: