
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Three teams of five are set up on a large split field, with a five yard neutral zone in the center. To begin the game, Team 1 (in blue) starts from their own half and attacks Team 2 (in black) 5v5. The defenders must wait until the attackers cross the neutral zone before playing the ball. If Team 2 wins possession (or a goal is scored), they become the attacking team and Team 3 (in red) defends. The three teams continue to play in this shuttle fashion—defend, then attack, and then wait in their end for their turn. On goals or balls put out of play, the game is re-started by the Feeder.

Coaching Points:

1.  The defenders should call out who they are covering as the attackers come in.

2.  The goalkeeper must send defenders to the ball and get all of the attackers covered.              

3.  Since there is no offsides, the defenders must work to keep the play in front of them.    


1.  All five players must be in the attacking half before shooting.

Players Required: