
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are ten players set up on a field split into four zones. During the game, the attacking team must change the ball to a teammate in the other zone within five passes. A running tally is kept of successful changes, and the first team to get to ten is the winner. The number of passes made before changing the ball can be reduced to increase the speed of the game. On balls put out of play, the game is re-started by the Feeder.

Coaching Points:

1.  Check away from the ball and create space in your zone.

2.  Hold the run until the defender turns his back on you. Catch him ball-watching.

3.  Play one and two touch soccer and force the defenders to chase.


1.  Play with three attackers in the central zones.

Players Required: