
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

  • Make three teams of three players each.
  • Each goal has a goalkeeper.
  • Two teams play 3 v 3 (+gk) on field while the third team juggles as a group off the field.
  • Play for 3 minutes, and the losing team leaves the field while the third team enters. If the game is tied, the team that has been on the longest goes off.
  • If the juggling team gets 10 juggles without the ball dropping while waiting (change the number depending on skill), they will start with a goal advantage when they enter the field.

Coaching Points:

  • Speed of play. Play fast.
  • Placement over power.
  • Encourage creativity.
  • Get excited when you see quick shooting.
Players Required: