
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

The teams play 4v4 plus four, with two players stationed in each half. The neutrals are limited to one touch, but they are allowed to shoot. When players dribble out of their defensive half and into the red zone, defenders may NOT follow. After passing into the attacking half, that player returns to the back half. The first team to 2 goals wins, and the games have a five minute time limit. When teams tie, the reigning champ remains on the field.

Coaching Points:

1.    Chasing the GK will create a 2v1 for the other team.

2.    Look for chances to cross and finish, using the neutrals.

3.    Forwards should set up deep into the attacking zone, well away from the red zone.


1.    When an attacker dribbles into the red zone, they can continue into the attacking half, creating a 3v2.

Goals Required: 
Players Required: