
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

There are 12-15 players set up in the attacking third, playing 2v2 plus one in the central grid, and 3v3 in the attacking zone. Play begins in the central grid, with the attackers looking to advance the ball across the line and into the attacking zone. When the ball is played in (with either a pass or the dribble), the attacker crosses over, creating a 4v3 advantage. When the defenders win the ball, play is re-started in the central grid. 

Coaching Points:

1.  Play in a one and two touch rhythm. Do not slow down the attack with extra touches.

2.  Find wide and deep positions inside the attacking zone in order to create space.

3.  Time the runs correctly in the attacking zone and create room to turn.


1.  Allow shots from the central grid.

Players Required: 