
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:  

There are twelve players set up on a field split into three zones, starting 2v1 in the end zones and 2v2 in the central zone. During the game, the players in the end zones must stay inside of their zones at all times. Players in the central zone can finish on goal, and when they pass into an end zone, they can follow the pass over to create a 2v2. Balls put out of play are re-started by the GK of the team in possession.

Coaching Points:

1.   Check away from the ball to create enough space to receive.

2.   Play fast in the central zone. Get the ball off your foot.

3.   With a defender on your back, take your first touch away from pressure.


1.   Add a neutral attacker in the middle third.

Players Required: