
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up: 

There are 5-8 players set up on a small field, starting at the cones. One player (Player 1) moves into the center of the grid, defending the two small goals. Players attack the defender 1v1, and if they dribble through either of the two goals, the defender must stay in the middle and defend the next attack, coming from the other direction. Each new attack begins as soon as the previous attacker dribbles through a goal. If the defender wins the challenge, the attacker becomes the new defender. 

Coaching Points:

1.  Make sharp changes of speed and direction with the dribble.

2.  Attack at speed and get the defender moving backwards.

3.  Once the defender is beaten, cut in and shield the ball from him.


1.  Increase the space between the two goals.

Players Required: 