
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Ten players are set up in the attacking third, playing 1v1 plus one inside of the central grid, and 1v1 in the penalty area. Play begins in the grid, with the attackers playing keep away from the defender while looking to play the ball into the penalty area. When they do, the neutral player crosses over with the pass, and play continues 2v1 to completion. If the defender in the penalty area wins the ball, he and the neutral can score in the small goals set up just outside of the penalty area. Upon completion, the Feeder re-starts play in the grid with a new set of players. 

Coaching Points:

1.  Make a positive first touch towards goal in order to create a better shooting angle.

2.  Check away from the ball in order to create enough space to receive the pass.

3.  When receiving, take the first touch away from the defender and create space to turn.     


1.  All of the players inside of the grid cross over with the pass.

Players Required: