
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up: 

Two teams of 4-6 players are set up in the attacking third, with players lined up at the cones. The Feeder begins play with a pass across the penalty area to the attacker. The first attacker and defender release with the Feeder’s first touch, and play continues 1v1 to completion. If the defender wins the ball, he can score in the two small goals set up just outside of the penalty area. After five minutes, the two teams switch lines. The Feeder may vary the type of service he gives to the attackers (see Progressions).

Coaching Points:

For Defenders:

1. Watch your speed, angle, and distance as you approach the attacker.

2. Judge the quality of the attacker's first touch, then choose your angle and speed.

3. Make an early decision about tackling and choose whether to delay, disrupt, or destroy. 

For Attackers:

1.  A good first touch gives you more time and space.

2.  Fake the shot when the defender charges in.

3.  Look for placement over power when finishing from in close.


1.  Air ball service.   

2.  Driven ball service.   

Players Required: 