2v1 Grid
2v1 Grid

Set Up:
There are three players set up in the corners of the small grid, playing 2v1. The player starting with the ball is the defender, and he begins play with a pass to either of the two attackers. From there, the two attackers come out of the corners and play keep away from the defender. When an attacker loses possession or sends the ball out of the grid, he becomes the defender and the players go back to the corners for the re-start. The defender switches out of the middle if he does not win the ball within 30 seconds.
Coaching Points:
1. Use the width of the field to make blind side runs in behind the defender.
2. The 1st attacker should look away from the 2nd attacker in order to get the defender to move the wrong way.
3. Do not hide behind the defender. Show yourself.
1. Reduce the size of the grid.