Midfield Diamond, Finishing Pt. 1
Midfield Diamond, Finishing Pt. 1

Set Up:
Four mids (in blue) play in a diamond, surrounding the mannequins. Two backs and two strikers (in red) play out on the flanks. The CM (#10) begins play by opening up to either side with his first touch. He then passes up to an outside mid (#6)), who passes back to the outside back (#5). From there, the outside back passes up to the striker (#7), who turns and crosses. The outside mid (#8) and striker (#11) on the opposite side run in to finish the cross along with the CM (#9).
Coaching Points:
1 Speed of Play – Extra touches will slow the play down and throw off the timing of the runs.
2. Timing the Run – Start the finishing run as the striker takes his last dribble touch and looks up.
3. Finishing – Unless the Mid is finishing the cross, he should stay outside of the penalty area.
1. The Outside Mid (#6) passes square to the opposite back (#2), who plays a thru pass out to the striker (#7).
2. The CM (#10) plays the 1st pass out to the striker (#11), who drops the ball to the back (#2) to cross.