Breakout, Cross, and Finish
Breakout, Cross, and Finish

Set Up:
The two teams play 4v4 plus one in the central zone. After five passes, the attacking team can pass out of the zone to a target player (blue players in the diagram) in the next zone. When they do, the attackers can breakout towards goal. To break out, the target player passes to an attacker making a run out wide. After receiving, that attacker passes up to the outside target player and overlaps him. From there, the attacker receives the return pass from the target, dribbles beyond the mannequin, and then crosses. The other three attackers attempt to finish the cross versus one neutral defender.
The teams switch roles after each attack. The targets go into the central zone to play 4v4 plus one, and the attackers become the new targets.
Coaching Points:
1. Transition – Anticipate changes of possession and move first.
2. Speed of Play – Look for one touch passes that will split defenders.
3. Finishing – Time the cross, sprint to the ball.
1 Defenders drop back into the penalty area.
2 Expand to full width, use four targets.