Shooting Into 2v2 Game
Shooting Into 2v2 Game

Set Up:
Part 1 - Player 1 dribbles in, then wall passes with Player 2. Player 3 acts as a passive defender, an obstacle for them to go around. After receiving the return pass, Player 1 finishes on the small goal.
Part 2 – As soon as Player 1 shoots, Player 4 passes up to Player 3 to begin their 2v2 attack on the big goal. Player 2 delays the attack as Player 1 recovers back. If the defenders win the ball, they counter-attack the other big goal.
Goals scored on the big goals are worth two points. A goal scored off of a turnover is worth three points. Shots made on the small goal are worth one point. Games are played to 11 points, and the teams take turns starting the drill.
Coaching Points:
1. Transition – Don’t stop to admire your shot. Get back on defense.
2. Defending – Contain the play. Let them dribble.
3. Organization – On defense, the first shout sorts it out.
1. Add a neutral attacker in the center (Progression 1).
2. Play 2v1 to goal. Player 1 can only counter-attack (Regression 1).