One Touch Finishing Game
One Touch Finishing Game

Set Up:
Three teams of four play 4v4 plus one with one neutral on the field and the other three stationed on the outside. Neutrals on the outside are limited to two touches. The attacking players get unlimited touches during play, but they can only score on first time finishes. Games are played to two goals and at the end of each game, the losing team comes off to become the neutrals.
Coaching Points:
1. Width and Depth – Expand the space and change the ball when areas close down.
2. Speed of Play – Play one and two touch soccer and force the defenders to chase.
3. Blind Side Runs – Look to run in behind the defense to finish crosses from the neutrals.
Progression 1 – Play 4v4 with four neutrals on the outside.
Progression 2 – Play with two goals and two goalkeepers.