Triangle Combinations
Triangle Combinations

Players Required:3
Balls Required:1
Goals Required:0

Set Up:
- Make a 15x15x15 yard triangle with mannequins (see diagram).
- Player 1 starts with a dribble and passes the ball to Player 2 for a wall pass. Player 1 receives the ball back and dribbles to the next cone to pass to Player 3. Player 3 wall passes with Player 2 and dribbles around the mannequin to set up the next wall pass.
- Switch out Player 2 after one minute.
- Race against other triangles to see who can complete the most wall passes in a minute.
Coaching Points:
- Technique of Passing (inside of the foot): Non-Kicking foot pointed to target and parallel to ball. Knees bent and balanced. Locked ankle with toe up.
- Eyes on ball at moment of contact.
- Strike the ball through the middle.
- Receiving: Get the body behind the ball, ankle locked and toes up, Eyes on the ball, 1st touch taken away from pressure.
- Speed of play: Players should make every touch with their next touch in mind.