1v1 Block Shots
1v1 Block Shots

Players Required:8-12
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Area: 12y x 10y
Small field with a large goal on one side and large cones on the opposite endline. The defender passes the ball to the attacker from the half line to start the 1v1. The attacker tries to score as quickly as possible on the large goal. After winning the ball, the defender can score by dribbling over the end line. Switch positions after each turn.
Use a goalkeeper and rotate positions - The attacker becomes the goalkeeper, the goalkeeper becomes the defender, and the defender becomes the attacker.
Players individually keep track of goals scored.
Focus Points:
- Block shots.
- Protect your own goal.
- Pressure the ball and win it back.
- Touch the ball forward as you receive and try to score as quickly as possible.
- If the shot is not possible, beat the defender with a 1v1 move.
Transition Defending to Attacking
- After winning the ball, quickly score with a dribble over the endline.
Transition Attacking to Defending
- Immediate reaction and try to win the ball back as quickly as possible.