Setback Finish
Setback Finish
Players Required:12-16
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Set Up:
There are 12-16 players set up on the small field, with players starting at the cones. Player 1 begins the drill by wall passing with Player 2. After receiving the return pass, Player 1 passes the ball up to Player 3, who sets it back to Player 1 for a finish on goal. New players rotate in for Players 2 and 3 every two minutes, and the groups switch sides of the field after 10 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. The set back pass does not need to be overpowered. Just make solid contact.
2. Slow down the approach so that you can adjust to a poor pass.
3. Make a curved run to the ball in order to create a better shooting angle.
1. Run to the other goal to finish a second ball.