Up, Square, and Thru, #2
Up, Square, and Thru, #2

Set Up:
There are five players set up inside of the grid, starting at the cones. Player 1 begins the drill with a pass up to Player 2, and then makes an overlapping run around him. Player 3 comes back to the ball to receive a square pass from Player 2, and then plays a thru pass to Player 1. Player 1 passes up to Player 4 to restart the drill in the opposite direction. Players 1, 4, and 5 continue across the grid in a shuttle fashion, Players 2 and 3 stay in the center and switch places with each turn. The players change positions every 3-5 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. Player 2 should fake a return pass to Player 1, and then turn away from him.
2. Make the thru pass when the overlapping player has reached a square position.
3. The thru pass should not slow the overlapping player down. Lead him into space.
1. Player 2 fakes to Player 3, then turns and plays a thru pass to Player 1.