1v1 - Straight and Angle
1v1 - Straight and Angle
Set up three small fields of eight yards wide and 12 yards long. On the center field, players score by dribbling over the end line. On the two outside fields they score by shooting the ball into small goals that are positioned in the corners on the same side. The defender passes the ball into the feet of the attacker and runs out. The 1v1 starts. On the side fields make sure the players always start in the corners. Switch roles after the turn is over. Players switch fields every 8 minutes.
In second drawing, the activity is only played on two fields with small goals on one side of the field.
Coaching Points:
Who and What?
Approach the attacker quickly, slow down when getting close,
Angled position, low in the knees, elbows bent,
Move feet quickly with little steps, force the attacker to the sideline.
Win the ball back at the right moment.
On fields with small goals in corner:
First run to the center to protect the goal, followed by pressure on the attacker.
Force the attacker away from the goal, towards the sideline.
Don’t stop defending after you get beat. You never know!
Make your 1v1 move with conviction,
Go around the player; not through the player.
Accelerate after your move.