2v2 Scoring on Cones
2v2 Scoring on Cones

Set up a grid of 10 x 10 yards with three large cones eight yards away from the grid. Teams play 2v2 and score by hitting a large cone with the ball. After a team scores, two new attackers start. The defenders continue to defend.
Improve the ability to attack, defend and transition.
Balls, large and small cones, pinnies.
Coaching Points:
When in ball possession keep the field wide.
When the opponent is in ball possession, try to force the opponent to the sideline and turn the 2v2 into a 1v2.
Quick reaction in transition.
First Attacker
Make the right choice between going for beating the opponent in the 1v1 or the pass.
Creative runs.
Speed dribble with laces, outside foot.
Look over the ball when dribbling
When you get closer to the defender, keep the ball closer to your foot
Make your move at the right moment. Not too far away or too close to the defender.
Explode after the move.
Second Attacker
Initially keep the field wide.
Make creative runs; overlap, underlap, deep runs.
First Defender
Close down space and be 1-2 steps away from the attacker. If you are too far away that gives them time to get their head up and look around. Get close to force their head down.
Jockey, be patient and don't dive in. The best attackers want you to dive in on them because they will just touch it around you and go. So we want to jockey them.
Force the attacker onto their weak foot or to the sideline.
Be on your toes! Don't be back on your heels.
Keep your feet moving, don't stand like a statue.
Keep your eye on the ball! Do not look at the attacker's feet, hips or shoulders. Focus on the ball.
Win the ball with confidence when the time is right. When you step in, get your body behind you. Don't just reach and lunge for the ball with your foot.
Second Defender
Cover the first defender.
Transition Attacking to Defending
Immediate reaction.
Transition Defending to Attacking
Immediate reaction.
Two teams play against each other. Who scores the most points?