1v1 Moves & Long Passing
1v1 Moves & Long Passing

Players Required:5 or 6
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Groups of 5 or 6 players, split in two, 12 to 15 yards across from each other. Gate in center three yards wide.
Player 1 makes a 1v1 move followed by a pass through the gate to Player 2. Player 2 makes a move and passes to Player 3. All players follow their pass.
Variation: Increase the distance between the group. From 12 yards to 16 yards to 20 yards.
Game: Who gets to 15 passes through the gates first?
Focus Points:
Make the 1 v1 move with conviction.
Hard pass with the inside of the foot thru the gate, with the correct speed to the correct foot.
Receive with the inside or outside of the foot in such a way that you can easily make a 1 v 1 move on the third touch.