
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Play begins with a 3v1 in the defensive half of the field. At any time, the attackers can change the ball into an adjacent zone and send the two neutral players into that zone to re-form the 3v1. When play progresses into the attacking half, the attackers can then play into the 2v2 for a finish on goal. Other than the neutrals, all of the players must stay inside of their zones during the game.  

Coaching Points:

1.  Decision Making – Maintain possession until an excellent opportunity to change the ball arises.

2.  Speed of Play – Play one and two touch soccer and force the defenders to chase.

3.  Anticipation –  The neutrals need to make their runs into the adjacent zone in advance of the pass.  


Progression 1 - Allow long passes thru zones and into the other half.

Progression 2 - Allow an attacker to follow his pass into the 2v2 to create a 3v2 to goal.

Players Required: