
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

Set up three cones in a triangle as shown. The passer (Player 1) starts at the bottom of the triangle, and the receiver starts midway between the other two cones. This is a two touch passing drill and so to start, Player 1 will touch the ball towards one cone or the other. When he does, Player 2 will run towards the cone. Player 1 then passes near that cone to Player 2. Player 2 takes his first touch past the cone and then returns the ball to Player 1. After passing, Player 2 immediately recovers back into the center while watching Player 1's first touch. Player 2 can be directed back to the same cone. After 5-10 passes, the players switch places.

Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
Players Required: