
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set up three groups of attackers and two groups of defenders. Pass from central player to flank player. 3v1 starts. Attackers try to score a goal, defenders try to win the ball and score on two small goals. Rotate players in different roles.

Progression: Add a second defender to make it 3v2.

Coaching Points:


  • 1st defender - Immediate pressure on the flank player.

  • 2nd defender - Run towards the first post and protect the center.


  • Movement in front of the goal.

  • Central attacker to first post.

  • 2nd attacker to penalty spot.

  • Winger - Cross the ball to the penalty spot area. Away from the goalie.

Players Required: 