
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: clone_of_hockey_systems_nodes_non_member
  • Active context: hockey_systems_nodes_free_access
Low Give & Go Corner Kick

This corner kick requires the first touch to be played short to player #2 who makes a run in from far out.  Player #2 needs to start way out so they can avoid getting marked if possible.  As they make a run towards the corner then player #1 plays the ball to them and then makes a run along the end line.  Player #3 will make a run from the middle of the field towards player #2 to get a pass from them.  When player #3 receives the ball they look to make a quick pass back to player #1 along the end line. When player #1 gets the ball back they have options to pass to the middle or attack the net.  This corner kick needs very good execution and communication and most likley is more appropriate for older age levels.


maintech73 on 8/11/2020

Into to corners