
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Set Up:

The teams play 3v3 plus two, and the neutrals (in yellow) must stay on the sideline. Each team has two medium-sized goals to shoot at and the keeper defends both goals.

Conditions can be placed on play, to be determined by the coach:

1   Allow the neutrals to finish on goal from the sideline.

2    Limit all of the players to two touches.

3   Teams can only score from a cross and finish.

4   Teams can only score with a first-time finish.

Games are played to three goals and the neutrals rotate out after each game.

Coaching Points:

1    Attacking – Look for quick changes of the field to create overloads on goal.

2    Speed of Play – Play in a one and two touch rhythm and make the defense chase the ball.

3    Decision Making – If a goal area closes down, fake a shot on goal and switch the play over to the other side of the field.


1   Progress to 5v5 plus two with sideline neutrals and one goal on the end line.

Players Required: