
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Field of 25 yards long x 20 yards wide. Three teams of four. Four vs four plus four neutral players. Play on ball possession.


  • Two touch

  • Score a point when connecting 8 passes. Play 3 minute games

Coaching Points:

Transition when losing the ball:

  • Reaction! 5 second rule.

  • Blitz. Keep pressuring.

Transition when winning the ball:

  • Explode. Quick pass or dribble into space.

  • Players away from the ball move and create space quickly.


  • Make the field large, good positioning and shape,

  • Keep ball possession.


  • Put pressure on the ball.

  • After winning the ball, keep ball possession.

Players Required: