
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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Area: 24 x 16 metres 

Four v four + three neutrals 

When in possession, Red team plays in the shape as per picture. If the Black team wins possession, they play in this shape also.

Neutrals always play with players in possession. Two neutrals play at the ends of the area, and one plays in the centre of the area.

When not in possession, Black/Red Players can leave their position and press to win the ball back. 

Football Actions:

Quality and selection of pass 

Body shape/first touch/back foot

Disguise/change of direction   

Angles and distance of support

Width and Depth – Penetrating pass 

Awareness of space and defender

Transition to Defend – Can we win ball back as quickly as possible?

Transition to Attack – Width and depth as quickly as possible.


Keep supply of footballs outside area to keep intensity high.

Players Required: