3v2, Four Small Goals
3v2, Four Small Goals

Players Required:12-16
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Field of 20y x 15y. Small goals in each corner. Two teams. Switch roles after 5 minutes.
Game starts with a pass from the sideline to the central player. At that moment, two defenders run out. Players are done when a goal is scored or the ball goes over the end line. When the ball goes over the sideline, the game continues.
Focus Points:
The three attackers must keep the field wide.
Value the ball: keep ball possession.
Recognize when to pass or try to score.
Two defenders on one side? Pass the ball to the other side.
- Pressure the ball, work together and hard.
After winning the ball try to score asap.
Keep track of score. Both teams attack for 5 minutes. Losers do a ‘punishment’.