2v1 - Deep Ball
2v1 - Deep Ball

Organization: Field of 20y x 12y. The size of the field can vary and depends on the goal of the activity, the age group and the skill level of the players. Place tow small goals on each end line.
One attacker starts high up the field. One defender steps up to this attacker. The second attacker passes the ball to the high attacker and the 2v1 starts.
When the ball goes over the sideline, the attackers must pass the ball back onto the field. The defender can dribble the ball back in.
The turn is over when a goal is scored, or the ball goes over the endline.
Rotate positions between attackers and defenders after several minutes.
Variations: Play this game with one large goal plus goalkeeper and tw small goals or with two large goals.
Game: Keep track of the goals score between both teams.
Focus Points:
Deep player stays deep, moves left/right to get open.
Think Deep!
Pass with the correct speed to the correct foot.
Direct play or receive first?
Movement of the attacker after the layoff, to create width in 2v1.
Keep the field wide.
Tight on the receiver of the deep ball. Don't let the attacker turn, or step in between the ball and the attacker when they turn.
Turn the 2v1 into a 1v1 by cutting off the passing lane to the second attacker and forcing play wide.
Transition Attacking to Defending
- Try to win the ball back as quickly as possible. 5-Second Rule.
- Pressure the ball.
- Protect own goal.
Transition Defending to Attacking
- Explode away after winning the ball, quick pass or dribble into space.