7v6 Game (5 Plus 2 v 3 Plus 2 Plus GK)
7v6 Game (5 Plus 2 v 3 Plus 2 Plus GK)

Players Required:
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Field of 40 yards long x 25 yards wide, divided in 15 x 25 and 25 x 25. One large goal plus three counter goals. Game starts with 5v3 rondo. After a certain number of passes, the attacking team tries to find one of the attackers in the other grid. One extra attacker can enter the attacking grid to create a 3v2.
Coaching Points:
Attacking Team:
Play in diamond shape and make the field as large as possible.
Recognize when to break the vertical line; busy on onside, move the ball to the other side.
Create flow. Value the ball. BVL often.
Defending Team:
Make the field small by moving together towards the ball. Stay compact. Work hard. Pressure the ball at the right moment and win it back.