Wall Pass, Thru Pass
Wall Pass, Thru Pass

Players Required:6
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
There are six players set up in the small grid, starting at the cones. Player 2 makes a run into the center and shows for a pass in front of the mannequins. Player 1 wall passes with Player 2, and Player 2 turns to make the thru run. Player 1 passes thru to Player 2, who must time his run in order to stay onsides. After receiving, Player 2 passes up to Player 3, and Player 1 shows for the next wall pass.
Coaching Points:
1. Player 2 initiates the wall pass combination, calling for a “One-two!”
2. Player 2 has to watch the play develop in order to time his thru run correctly.
3. Collect the thru ball as early as possible and pick your head up.
1. Progress to the Overlap, Thru Pass Drill.