Air Ball Service
Air Ball Service

Set Up:
Four players are set up in the large grid, starting with two players in the center and one on each end line. Player 1 serves the ball to Player 2, playing it over the head of Player 3. Player 2 controls the ball, turns, and then passes to Player 4. Player 4 then reverses the direction of the drill, serving the ball over the head of Player 2 to Player 3. Player 3 controls and turns, and then passes to Player 1. The ball is played back and forth across the grid in this pattern, and the players switch places every five minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. Choose your ball control technique (which body part to use) as early as possible.
2. Control and turn with your first touch, and pass the ball with your second touch.
3. Let the ball come down to your feet as you strike the pass. Bring it down to the ground.
1. Progress to Short, Short, Long.