Technical Activity Box - Pt. 5
Technical Activity Box - Pt. 5
Equipment; balls and cones
Set up a 4ft x 4ft box with four cones. The trainer stands in front of the box with a ball in hands. The goalkeepers line up at the bottom of the box. And step forward as soon as the previous goalkeeper dealt with the ball and is out of the way. With an uneven number of goalkeepers, it is easiest for the trainer to switch to left and right every time. The goalkeeper starts next to the left or right front cone. The goalkeeper asks for the ball, verbally and with hand, and receives a pass from the trainer. The goalkeeper receives the ball and passes the ball back, quickly moves backwards and then forward through the box, gets set and deals with the pass from the trainer. At the next turn, the goalkeeper starts at the other side of the box.
Focus Points:
Small hop from the goalkeeper on sign of the coach.
Hop straight up.
The goalkeeper must land on the forefeet with feet hip width apart to create muscle tension.
Take one big step into the ball. When the foot lands, the hands of the goalie should land on the ball.
The goalkeeper goes through the knee and land on the side of the body.
While falling, keep the ball out, or bring the ball to the chest.
Keep the elbow on ‘falling side’ away from the body.
Do not fall on the elbow.
Proper execution of dynamic and agility movements.
Make sure to use arms. Hands go from ‘pocket to ear’.
Proper technical execution of passing and receiving and distribution.