3v3 + 3 Possession Game
3v3 + 3 Possession Game
Field 20 yards long, 30/40 yards wide. Three versus three in the center, with three neutral players; two wide and one in center. Teams try to get ball from one side to the other side.
Game: Team in ball possession scores a point when they get the ball from one neutral player on the short side to the other neutral player on the other short side.
Coaching Points:
Attacking Team:
Receive the ball with the back foot; open up.
In ball possession (BP) make the field big, form a large triangle, and find space to run into.
Move after passing.
Value the ball and try to break the vertical line (BVL) as often as possible.
Defending Team:
BLITZ after turnover, come together and stay together, work hard.
One touch in transition.