Warming Up - Agility and Ball Mastery
Warming Up - Agility and Ball Mastery
Players Required:12-16
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Players perform agility moves over the center cones, followed by dribbling the ball to the center and making a cut or turn, dribble back and place the ball back at the 4th cone. Start off with players juggling to the center cone and back; on thigh, foot, head and back in hands, for example.
Coaching Points:
Use a variety of agility moves.
Be on your forefeet, not on your heels.
Use your arms. Hands go from pocket to ear.
Use a variety of cuts and turns.
Dribble with control.
Get close to the center cone, quick turn. Raise arm to hold off imaginary defender.
Use a pull back, inside and outside cuts, Cruyff turn and so forth.