
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_free_access

Set Up:

  • On the small field, all players have a ball and start on one end line. The coach stands in the middle of the field.

  • When the coach says ‘go,’ all the players (the swimmers) try to dribble from one end of the field to the other without getting their ball stolen by the coach (the crocodile).

  • If a player gets their ball stolen, they must perform a special activity for the croc to spit them out (ex: touching the top of the ball with the bottom of their feet alternating eight times, or passing the ball between their feet eight times). Players do not become a croc with the coach - we want them to keep dribbling their soccer ball. Coaches - Be goofy and have fun!

Coaching Points:

1.  Wait and see where the Croc is going before you start dribbling.

2.  If the Croc is busy with someone else, speed dribble while you can.

3.  Try to avoid bunching up with the other swimmers. Find a lane of your own.


1.  Every player picks his own animal to be and makes animal noises as he/she dribbles across. The coach must also roar as he chases.

Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
1 per player
Players Required: 


Donavon2233 on 3/8/2024

Ball stealing dribbling 

pointedorange on 9/19/2022

Multiple Coachs Possible

Bhholt on 2/28/2021

Parents can help with this drill