
Status message

  • Active context: anonymous_users
  • Active context: master
  • Active context: hockey_drills_nodes_non_member
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 Set Up:

There are twelve players set up in the large grid, playing 4v4 plus four neutrals. During play, the attackers and neutrals play keep away versus the four defenders, and the neutrals must stay inside of the central zone at all times. When the defenders win the ball, they switch places with the attacking team. Defending teams should rotate out if they are unable to win the ball within one minute. The Feeder re-starts the game when the ball is put out of play, and a new team rotates into the central zone after five minutes.

Coaching Points:

1.  Use the entire space when in possession of the ball. Connect with the neutrals.

2.  Talk to your teammates as they receive the ball and direct them where to go next.

3.  Open your stance when receiving and be able to see both sides of the field.


1.  The attackers rotate into the central zone when they lose the ball.

Players Required: